For simply the best free movie streaming app, try Cinemabox HD. With over 3000 videos in its collection, Cinemabox for iOS lets you stream your favorite TV shows and movies, straight to your iPhone, iPad and other iOS devices free, and without the hassles and risks of torrenting.
Why install Cinemabox?
Cinemabox is one of the most popular free streaming apps available online. The app puts the power of unlimited streaming in your hands and features all your old favorites, as well as daily updates of the hottest new TV series, movies, cartoons and anime. The app comes from the developers of the hugely successful Playbox HD, so you know it’s reliable and safe.
Cinemabox for iOS features
1. Daily updates of the hottest new shows, and all your existing favorites.
2. Every single video in 720p high definition – and you can adjust your streaming quality to suit your internet speed and data allowance.
3. Kids’ mode, allowing you to restrict the content on offer, so your kids’ viewing is safe.
4. Supreme searching ability: search by title, see what’s hot, or explore what’s available in your favorite genre.
5. Fantastic security, to protect you from malicious content.
6. Subtitle support in many languages.
7. The ability to download movies to play offline later.
8. Easy casting to your TV via Chromecast, OTG cable, Apple TV or wi-fi sharing.
Best of all, Cinemabox is always free!
Keeping kids safe online
Cinemabox is the only one of the top movie streaming apps to offer a secure space for children. Kids’ Mode takes just two clicks to activate and, once it’s on, your children will only be exposed to appropriate content.
Installing Cinemabox HD for iOS
What you will need:
1. An iOS device, such as a smartphone or iPad. If you have an Android, PC or Mac never fear, you can download Cinemabox HD here.
You DON’T need to jailbreak your phone to install Cinemabox!
1. From your iOS device, sign out of the App Store and iTunes. You can sign back in later.
2. Click on the Cinemabox link for your iPhone or iPad.
3. The file will ask for your permission. Hit Install and wait a minute while the app installs.
Using Cinemabox HD on your iOS device
1. Cinemabox will ask you to sign in to iTunes and the App Store. When this message appears hit Cancel.
2. To log in to Cinemabox, use these login details. User: [email protected], password: Cinema01.
3. To use Cinemabox for iOS without jailbreaking your iOS device, it’s important to keep your everyday apps separated from the Cinemabox iCloud account.
Make sure that you switch to the Cinemabox iCloud account only when you wish to use Cinemabox. Use your original iCloud account to access the other apps on your device.
4. Cinemabox is now ready for you to use. You can use the search box at the top of the home page to search by name for TV shows, movies or music videos.
You are now ready to enjoy TV, movies and even music videos in high definition, free on your iOS device. Happy streaming!
I have tried this several times nothing is working…
[email protected] Apple ID locked.
[email protected] Apple ID locked.
Please help with a message " Can not connect to Cinema Box, check your network, change DNS to" did all, still not working.
i have a same problem
Says I don't have wifi I clearly do
Please help with a message " Can not connect to Cinema Box, check your network, change DNS to" did all, still not working.
All sorted now
I tried downloading for iOS
It didn't work. It does not ask for permission to install. Instead a blank file is downloaded and asks to "open with" and nothing works.
Balas, I’ve got the same message. Any luck? I tried following the steps above, but the appk pack is “unsupported.” Wtf…